Súbory na stiahnutie
Name | Description |
74HC595 | Datasheet 74HC595 - 8-bit shift registers with 3-state output registers |
AD9850 | Datasheet AD9850 - Complete DDS Synthesizer |
AD9850 DoReMi Sketch | AD9850 frequency generator plays DoReMi using small speaker. |
AD9850 Library | Arduino AD9850 Library with examples |
AD9850 Moon River Sketch | AD9850 frequency generator plays Moon River by Henry Mancini using small speaker. |
Arduino 74HC595 Breakout Board Example | Small animation to demonstrate board possibilities. Ref: SMD 74HC595 board, |
Arduino 74HC595 LED Counter | Visualization of 8-bit numbers. Ref: 74HC595 Posuvný register, |
Arduino 74HC595 LED Speed | Speed test of 74HC595. Ref: 74HC595 Posuvný register, |
Arduino 74HC595 LED SPI | Speed test of 74HC595 using SPI. Ref: 74HC595 Posuvný register, |
Arduino 74HC595 LED SPI Speed | Speed test of 74HC595 using SPI. Ref: 74HC595 Posuvný register, |
Arduino Due DAC Fritzing | Schema of Arduino Due DAC experiment Ref: Arduino Due - DAC, |
Arduino Due DAC Sketch | Arduino Due DAC experiment Ref: Arduino Due - DAC, |
Arduino Due Larson Scanner Sketch | Fun with PWM and 8 LED. |
Arduino Rotary Encoder Debounce Sketch | Arduino plus rotary encoder with debounce. |
Arduino Rotary Encoder Fritzing | Rotary encoder with Arduino experiments. |
Arduino Rotary Encoder Interrupt Sketch | Arduino plus rotary encoder with debounce and interrupts. |
Arduino Rotary Encoder Sketch | Arduino plus rotary encoder without debounce. |
Arduino Serial Plotter Sketch | Simple sinus/cosinus sketch to demonstrate Serial Plotter data visualization. |
ATtiny85 Internal Pull-up Sketch | Test of all internal pull-ups. |
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.0 | 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85 |
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.1 | 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85 |
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.2 | 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85 |
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.3 | 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85 |
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.3a | 12 V LED strip PIR (2x) dimmer based on ATtiny85 |
ATtiny85 Rotary Encoder Fritzing | ATtiny85 with rotary encoder as LED dimmer. |
ATtiny85 Rotary Encoder Sketch | ATtiny85 with rotary encoder as LED dimmer. |
attiny85leddimmer.pdf | Schema of 12 V LED strip dimmer. |
attiny85leddimmer.zip | Gerber files of ATtiny85 LED strip dimmer. |
BC337 | Datasheet BC337 - NPN general purpose transistor |
BC547 | Datasheet BC547 - NPN general purpose transistor |
Blink 2s Sketch | Low power Narcoleptic sketch. |
Button Debounce Library | Arduino Button Debounce Library Ref: Zákmity tlačidiel, |
Button Debounce Library 1.1 | Arduino Button Debounce Library v. 1.1 |
DHT11 | Datasheet DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor |
DS1307 | Datasheet DS1307 - 64 x 8 Serial Real-Time Clock |
DS1307 Beadboard Fritzing | Schema of DS1307 on breadboard. Ref: DS1307 na skúšobnom poli, |
DS18B20 | Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer |
Firefly Sketch v. 1 | Firefly Simulator |
Firefly Sketch v. 2 | Better Firefly Simulator |
I2C Arduino Errors Sketch | Master sends binary data to slave Arduino using I2C. Error handling. |
I2C Arduino Master Send Binary Sketch | Master sends binary data to slave Arduino using I2C |
I2C Arduino Master Send Byte Sketch | Master sends bytes to slave Arduino using I2C |
I2C Tester Sketch | This sketch tests the standard I2C 7-bit addresses and shows every connected addresses. Ref: I2C, |
IR Remote Test Sketch | Practical test of IR Remote Control Ref: IR diaľkový prijímač, |
LM386 | Datasheet LM368 - Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier |
LM393 | Datasheet LM393 Dual Comparator |
MAX7219 | Datasheet MAX7219 - Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit LED Display Driver Ref: RGB LED alebo WS2812?, |
MCP41100 | Datasheet MCP41100 - Digital Potentiometer with SPI Interface |
MCP41100 Sketch | Simple demo |
Mega Test Crystal Fritzing | Schema of the test the accuracy of the clocks of two Arduinos. |
Mega Test Crystal Sketch | Test the accuracy of the clocks of two Arduinos. |
MH7400 Sketch | Test of logic NAND from Tesla. |
Minimal Size Sketch | Blink without Arduino libraries. |
NE555 | Datasheet NE555 - Precision Timer Ref: NE555, |
Neopixel Pot Sketch | Using 3 pots you can change parameters of moving snake on neopixel stick Ref: WS2812 a NeoPixel Stick, |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 01 Fritzing | Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 01 Sketch | Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 02 Fritzing | Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.1 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 02 Sketch | Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.1 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 03 Fritzing | Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.2 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 03 Sketch | Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.2 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 04 Fritzing | Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.3 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 04 Sketch | Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.3 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 05 Fritzing | Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.4 |
NeoPixel Ring Clock 05 Sketch | Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.4 |
NeoPixel Ring Fire Simulation Sketch | Arduino simulation of fire using NeoPixel Ring 24 Ref: Simulácia ohňa, |
Neopixel Simple Sketch | Simple moving snake example on neopixel stick Ref: WS2812 a NeoPixel Stick, |
Neopixel Voltmeter Sketch | analogRead is displayed on neopixel stick Ref: WS2812 a NeoPixel Stick, |
Nokia 5110 | Datasheet Nokia 5110 - PCD8544 48 x 84 pixels matrix LCD controller/driver |
Nokia 5110 Game of Life Sketch | Game of Life with different rules and cell neighbors calculations. Ref: Nokia 5110: Game of Life, |
Nokia 5110 Random Clock Sketch | Animation of random clock values on Nokia 5110 display. |
Photoresistor Fritzing | Schema of photoresistor as voltage divider. |
Photoresistor SMA Sketch | Measuring intensity of light and smoothing with Simple Moving Average. |
Rotary Encoder Library | Arduino rotary encoder library. |
SAMD10 Test 00 Basic ATSLN | Basic project of SAM D10 Xplained Mini Board |
SAMD10 Test 01 Basic ATSLN | Basic project of SAM D10 Xplained Mini Board with Arduino like functions |
SAMD10 Test 01 LED Rider ATSLN | SAM D10 LED Rider |
SAMD10 Test 03 SysTick Timer ATSLN | SAM D10 SysTick Timer |
SMC-E22E/E30S-GNE | 7 segment display from microwave. |
Teensy 3.2 Larson Scanner Sketch | Fun with PWM and 8 LED. |
UART Sketch | UART experiments with Uno, Mega 2560 and ATtiny85. Ref: UART, |
WS2812 | Datasheet WS2812 - Intelligent control LED integrated light source Ref: WS2812 a NeoPixel Stick, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - základy, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - prispôsobenie jasu okolitému osvetleniu, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - jedno tlačidlo na ovládanie parametrov, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - ovládanie tlačidlami, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - reálny čas, Simulácia ohňa, Napájanie pre NeoPixel Ring, RGB LED alebo WS2812?, WS2812, |
WS2812B | Datasheet WS2812B - Intelligent control LED integrated light source Ref: WS2812 a NeoPixel Stick, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - základy, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - prispôsobenie jasu okolitému osvetleniu, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - jedno tlačidlo na ovládanie parametrov, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - ovládanie tlačidlami, Hodiny z NeoPixel Ring - reálny čas, Simulácia ohňa, Napájanie pre NeoPixel Ring, RGB LED alebo WS2812?, WS2812, |