
Súbory na stiahnutie


Name Description
74HC595 Datasheet 74HC595 - 8-bit shift registers with 3-state output registers
AD9850 Datasheet AD9850 - Complete DDS Synthesizer
AD9850 DoReMi Sketch AD9850 frequency generator plays DoReMi using small speaker.
AD9850 Library Arduino AD9850 Library with examples
AD9850 Moon River Sketch AD9850 frequency generator plays Moon River by Henry Mancini using small speaker.
Arduino 74HC595 Breakout Board Example Small animation to demonstrate board possibilities.
Arduino 74HC595 LED Counter Visualization of 8-bit numbers.
Arduino 74HC595 LED Speed Speed test of 74HC595.
Arduino 74HC595 LED SPI Speed test of 74HC595 using SPI.
Arduino 74HC595 LED SPI Speed Speed test of 74HC595 using SPI.
Arduino Due DAC Fritzing Schema of Arduino Due DAC experiment
Arduino Due DAC Sketch Arduino Due DAC experiment
Arduino Due Larson Scanner Sketch Fun with PWM and 8 LED.
Arduino Rotary Encoder Debounce Sketch Arduino plus rotary encoder with debounce.
Arduino Rotary Encoder Fritzing Rotary encoder with Arduino experiments.
Arduino Rotary Encoder Interrupt Sketch Arduino plus rotary encoder with debounce and interrupts.
Arduino Rotary Encoder Sketch Arduino plus rotary encoder without debounce.
Arduino Serial Plotter Sketch Simple sinus/cosinus sketch to demonstrate Serial Plotter data visualization.
ATtiny85 Internal Pull-up Sketch Test of all internal pull-ups.
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.0 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.1 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.2 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.3 12 V LED strip PIR dimmer based on ATtiny85
ATtiny85 Kitchen Dimmer Sketch v. 1.3a 12 V LED strip PIR (2x) dimmer based on ATtiny85
ATtiny85 Rotary Encoder Fritzing ATtiny85 with rotary encoder as LED dimmer.
ATtiny85 Rotary Encoder Sketch ATtiny85 with rotary encoder as LED dimmer.
attiny85leddimmer.pdf Schema of 12 V LED strip dimmer. Gerber files of ATtiny85 LED strip dimmer.
BC337 Datasheet BC337 - NPN general purpose transistor
BC547 Datasheet BC547 - NPN general purpose transistor
Blink 2s Sketch Low power Narcoleptic sketch.
Button Debounce Library Arduino Button Debounce Library
Button Debounce Library 1.1 Arduino Button Debounce Library v. 1.1
DHT11 Datasheet DHT11 Humidity & Temperature Sensor
DS1307 Datasheet DS1307 - 64 x 8 Serial Real-Time Clock
DS1307 Beadboard Fritzing Schema of DS1307 on breadboard.
DS18B20 Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
Firefly Sketch v. 1 Firefly Simulator
Firefly Sketch v. 2 Better Firefly Simulator
I2C Arduino Errors Sketch Master sends binary data to slave Arduino using I2C. Error handling.
I2C Arduino Master Send Binary Sketch Master sends binary data to slave Arduino using I2C
I2C Arduino Master Send Byte Sketch Master sends bytes to slave Arduino using I2C
I2C Tester Sketch This sketch tests the standard I2C 7-bit addresses and shows every connected addresses.
Ref: I2C,
IR Remote Test Sketch Practical test of IR Remote Control
LM386 Datasheet LM368 - Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier
LM393 Datasheet LM393 Dual Comparator
MAX7219 Datasheet MAX7219 - Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit LED Display Driver
MCP41100 Datasheet MCP41100 - Digital Potentiometer with SPI Interface
MCP41100 Sketch Simple demo
Mega Test Crystal Fritzing Schema of the test the accuracy of the clocks of two Arduinos.
Mega Test Crystal Sketch Test the accuracy of the clocks of two Arduinos.
MH7400 Sketch Test of logic NAND from Tesla.
Minimal Size Sketch Blink without Arduino libraries.
NE555 Datasheet NE555 - Precision Timer
Ref: NE555,
Neopixel Pot Sketch Using 3 pots you can change parameters of moving snake on neopixel stick
NeoPixel Ring Clock 01 Fritzing Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1
NeoPixel Ring Clock 01 Sketch Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1
NeoPixel Ring Clock 02 Fritzing Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.1
NeoPixel Ring Clock 02 Sketch Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.1
NeoPixel Ring Clock 03 Fritzing Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.2
NeoPixel Ring Clock 03 Sketch Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.2
NeoPixel Ring Clock 04 Fritzing Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.3
NeoPixel Ring Clock 04 Sketch Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.3
NeoPixel Ring Clock 05 Fritzing Schema of Neopixel Ring Clock v. 1.4
NeoPixel Ring Clock 05 Sketch Sketch of NeoPixel Ring Clock v. 1.4
NeoPixel Ring Fire Simulation Sketch Arduino simulation of fire using NeoPixel Ring 24
Neopixel Simple Sketch Simple moving snake example on neopixel stick
Neopixel Voltmeter Sketch analogRead is displayed on neopixel stick
Nokia 5110 Datasheet Nokia 5110 - PCD8544 48 x 84 pixels matrix LCD controller/driver
Nokia 5110 Game of Life Sketch Game of Life with different rules and cell neighbors calculations.
Nokia 5110 Random Clock Sketch Animation of random clock values on Nokia 5110 display.
Photoresistor Fritzing Schema of photoresistor as voltage divider.
Photoresistor SMA Sketch Measuring intensity of light and smoothing with Simple Moving Average.
Rotary Encoder Library Arduino rotary encoder library.
SAMD10 Test 00 Basic ATSLN Basic project of SAM D10 Xplained Mini Board
SAMD10 Test 01 Basic ATSLN Basic project of SAM D10 Xplained Mini Board with Arduino like functions
SAMD10 Test 01 LED Rider ATSLN SAM D10 LED Rider
SAMD10 Test 03 SysTick Timer ATSLN SAM D10 SysTick Timer
SMC-E22E/E30S-GNE 7 segment display from microwave.
Teensy 3.2 Larson Scanner Sketch Fun with PWM and 8 LED.
UART Sketch UART experiments with Uno, Mega 2560 and ATtiny85.
Ref: UART,
WS2812 Datasheet WS2812 - Intelligent control LED integrated light source
WS2812B Datasheet WS2812B - Intelligent control LED integrated light source


